Be more strategic while interviewing for your next job
I've been in the hiring process for a couple of jobs recently, and it's made me realize how strategic you have to be as a candidate. It's not just about getting an offer; it's also about negotiating your compensation package and benefits (and even negotiating the specific offer itself).
This works only if it's been a while for you
This strategy works if you don't have time to prepare and it's been a while since your last interview and you haven't done any practising, then this strategy is for you. If that's is not the case, I recommend just going with the flow and doing whatever feels right in the moment. That way at least there's no pressure on yourself or anyone else involved in the process!
Order your jobs you are intersted in
If you're looking for a job, it's important to know what kind of company culture would be best for you. If you've got a few companies in mind, make it in a list that start with the least desirable one and work your way up from there. This will help ensure that if any offers come through while applying, they'll be better than the first one!
Once you have a list, check out the companies' websites and social media pages to get a better idea of what their culture is like. Look for things like: Do they post about company-wide events? How often do employees post on social media? Are there pictures of people having fun together? What does the company's website look like? Does it seem like they care about their customers or just themselves?
Start with the least desirable
A good place to start is with the company you're least interested in. It's easier to get a job you don't want if you have one that you do, so take this opportunity to practice interviewing and learn from your mistakes. Once you have a couple offers on the table, it will be much easier for potential employers to see what makes you special--and when those companies find out about your new offer (because they'll check), they'll want to hire someone like them!
Also it's a good start to practise and get yourself familiarized with interview, and also to get feedback that you will learn from it and be more ready for the next company that is more desirable for you.
Don't be afraid of rejection; just keep going until someone says yes!
Don't take the first offer you get (unless it's the only offer)
You should always try to negotiate for more money, better benefits or a longer time to accept/reject the offer. If you are not sure about the offer, you can ask for more time to consider it.
If you are offered a job, it is polite to thank the interviewer. It is also good manners to ask if you can contact him or her with any questions about the offer.
Try to negoiate for a longer time to accept/reject the offer
This is a good strategy if you want to get a better offer from the company. For example, if you’re interviewing with a company with which you have no relationship, then you can use this as a way to get more information about the job and their expectations for your skillset. You could also negotiate for more time off after accepting an offer by asking for two weeks of vacation before starting (or another number).
This will give you the time needed to finish the interview of the next company and get the offer if you are accepted.
This is a great way to get more out of the interview process. It's not easy but if you do it right, you'll have better chances at getting the job that you want, and again, you might not need this if you interviwing is still fresh in your mind.
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